About rock meets soil

Welcome to that place, where the rock meets the soil. We're not exactly sure where that is, but we’re happy to be there and have you along with us.

Here at Rock Meets Soil we think it's pretty important to share your story. Whether that means sharing your journey and deepest thoughts, some photography or a video you made, poetry, creative expression of any kind, travel diaries, musings on life, or any other means of expressing who you are, where you're from, or what you've learned, that's a story. And we know that by sharing it, other people can relate and may find inspiration on their path. Sometimes just knowing we’re not alone can go a long way.

There are seven billion people on this planet. Did I hear there are eight billion now? Doesn’t matter. Point is, we're all living our lives in our own ways. By sharing our creations and our stories with the world, we inspire others on a similar path. The story of your life, the views you capture through your camera lense, the way you express your thoughts and perceptions and creative-ness are all important.

Rock Meets Soil is the place to share all of this. There are no rules to what we're doing here; you can share whatever you want. Join us in taking life day by day and sharing what we learn along the way.