Video/Interview: How to Survive Winter Living in a Van

Dylan Magaster has a YouTube channel dedicated to sharing stories of "people who
have created the life that they want. Tiny houses, van life, travel and adventure." He reached out
awhile back about doing an episode with us on Winter in the van and well, here it is!

A quick word before you hit play and then comment "Drive south!"...
We did drive south all of last Winter and Spring and traveled in the van throughout all of the
 southwest and up the California coast. This year, being home-based close to Aspen/Snowmass, we
decided to try out Winter in the van so Casey could snowboard, I can focus on starting my business,
 and we can plan for our next trip. We figured, why pay a steep rent when we have free housing?

Check out more of Dylan's videos on his YouTube channel.

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