The Travel Bug Cure

I'm pretty sure most of you reading this have the travel bug, and without an endless supply of funds,
we have to satisfy our need for wanderlust somehow while we wait for our next adventure.
Holly shares some tips to make those "I'm saving up" phases a little more enjoyable.

@travelsofholly  |  Photography by @iamjoecrystal 

The ultimate problem of being a wanderer is trying to be present in every moment without constantly dreaming and reminiscing.

I was going to write about how much I love travelling but in reality there’s always lows no one ever speaks about, so here’s to being honest and straight forward with a few tips.


I haven't been everywhere--but that's the problem.

The travel bug sounded like a joke, but I’d been warned. It holds me back from enjoying everyday life--a routine. Something I’ve always been afraid of. Forever escaping. Not being able to hold jobs longer than the few months it takes to save enough for a plane ticket.

Most people wonder and ask how I have enough money or time. These things don’t actually occur to me as problems. Going without the latest phone, making or picking up second hand clothes just to scrape up enough money for the cheapest ticket on Skyscanner. Flying at the most inconvenient time, with whole days waiting for transfers, without food, sleeping on airport floors and being physically shaken because I’m blocking the phone charger…

You can't focus.

Day dreaming out of windows, scrolling endlessly at other people’s travels, never feeling at home, constantly planning the next trip. Trapped. I just got distracted reading the “Best Ski Resorts in Unexpected Destinations,” then searching the cheapest flights to these destinations. Does that sum it up?

Anyway, a person with a good sense of adventure needs to incorporate adventure into everyday life. Mainly for well being and so you don’t literally go crazy waiting for your next trip.

"A routine of adventure."

Explore your local town, no matter how small and boring you believe it to be. After all, among other benefits, travelling is mainly awe of being in a new place with new people. Find a new town, coffee shop, speak to new people, and spend early mornings on your way to work sharing your tea with a homeless man, whilst hearing the rattle of cans in your bag for your evening exploring solo…

Go by yourself.

Don’t wait for your friends to be free. Find a new class, teach yourself, be confident, make new friends. Even your closest friends might not have the same mind set as you--don’t let that stop you. If they are a true friend they will still be waiting for you eagerly to hear about your latest adventure.

